
Services :

Atras - Adelante

Teledermatology, service offered by Dermlink Buenos Aires, www.teledermatologia.com.ar 
Referral consultation

Allergy diagnosis ( intradermal skin testing , patch test , Prick test , food trial , challenge trail , etc , )
Food allergy , hypersensitivity to insect bite or hymenoptera sting
Flea allergy , tick and culicoides hypersensitivity ( cat , dog , horse )
Newborn and young age dermatology
Senile animal dermatology
Skin citology , skin scrapings
Trichogram and hair cycle studies
Skin biopsy and dermatohistopathology
Psychodermatosis , self-mutilation , obsesive – compulsive licking , stereotypic behavior , acral lick , flank sucking
Skin cancer , benign tumors , precancerous lesions caused by sunburn , warts , cutaneous lymphoma
Difficult or relapsing cases of allergic disease ( pollen , aeroallergens , dust and storage mites , molds , grasses , wheeds , trees , etc . )
Perianal fistulae , anal sac disease
Recalcitrant or chronic pyodermia , skin bacterial disease , viral or dermatophitic skin problems , ringworm , culture and identification , antibiotic sensitivity in vitro testing , bacterial vaccines , autovaccines , intermediate and deep mycosis , long term treatment in difficult pyodermia , cutaneous tuberculosis and other atypical mycobacteriosis , feline lepra .
Seborrhea , bad odor , greasiness , scaling and exfoliative disorders of skin , seborrheic plaques , icthyosis , nutritional dermatosis .
Endocrine dermatosis
Hair loss , alopecia of diverse origin , changes in coat structure ,condition , diameter , color of coat , brittle hair , congenital alopecia or hypotrichosis , congenital hair defects , changes in skin color
( vitiligo , melanosis )
Chronic , recurrent or difficult ear problems
Immune-mediated disease , erosive-ulcerative non-infectious skin disease
Demodicosis , mange , ticks , miiasis, leishmaniasis, other parasitic diseases
Respiratory allergy , food allergy
Feline asthma
Allergy and dermatology in horses
Skin problems specific of cats , psychogenic dermatosis , immune-defficiencies , herpes and viruela , milliary dermatitis .
Exotic and pocket pets
Skin surgery , esthetic surgery , repair and oncoloy surgical procedures , burn trauma .
Cosmetic and grooming counseling
dermlink buenos aires offers you all the diagnostic tools and treatment options for your pet with a skin condition , improving their welfare and quality of life .

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